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How to choose headlight color temperature
2020-08-13 14:38:05

Car is an indispensable means of transportation for us to travel now. There are too many car lovers who care about their cars. As an important part of the car, the car lamp has a great influence on the car. The automobile bulb manufacturer will introduce the knowledge about the selection of the light color temperature. The color temperature is the most general indicator of the spectral quality of the light source. The color temperature is the absolute temperature K When a standard blackbody (such as platinum) is heated, the color changes gradually from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (blue violet) and purple when the temperature rises to a certain degree. Using the characteristics of this light color change, when the light color of the light source is the same as that of the black body, we call the temperature of the blackbody at that time as the color of the light source is the color temperature of the light source.

Due to the different color temperature, the color of light is also different. For example, when the color temperature is 4000K, the color of light is white with a little yellow; when the color temperature is 6000K, the color is white and close to natural light; When the color temperature is 10000 K, the color of light is light blue. It can be seen that with the gradual increase of color temperature, the color of light is gradually inclined to cold color, which is often called cold light. Different color temperatures correspond to different colors. Different wavelengths give the human eye different color perception, from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (blue violet), purple. The sensitivity of the eye varies strongly with the wavelength.

Understand the basic knowledge of color temperature, then when we choose the lamp, how much color temperature is appropriate? First of all, understand the application of color temperature in automobile headlight. The color temperature of halogen lamp is 2300k-7000k (commonly used 3000K), the color is yellow; the color temperature of xenon lamp is 4200-8000k (commonly used 4300k), the color is yellowish, and the color temperature of LED headlamp is 3200k-15000k (commonly used 6000K), and the color is positive white. Color temperature is not a measure of the brightness of a lamp, that is to say, color temperature has nothing to do with brightness.